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000235_owner-lightwave@webcom.com_Thu Jun 15 14:25:10 1995.msg
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Date: Thu, 15 Jun 95 17:27 EDT
From: ssoltz@sauron.multiverse.com (ssk.multiverse.com)
Subject: Re: Spiral Pathway - Help!
To: Christian Graham <bss104@bangor.ac.uk>, lightwave@webcom.com
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Sender: owner-lightwave@webcom.com
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<---- Begin Included Message ---->
Hi Everyone,
I'm trying to build a spiral pathway. I have the spiral curve and I have
cross section built - the problem is when I try to use the rail extrusion
tool to produce the path. I get a path which looks almost right except
for the fact that the end of the path is no longer horizontal its tipped
at a slight angle. I have the orientation box ticked since if I don't I
end up with a path becomes contracted in some places.
Its funny the tool works fine when the path to be extruded along is
planar like a circle. I've using the clone tool with an extruded version
of the cross section but I end with a stepping effect which I don't
really want. Does anyone know what I'm doing wrong or how I can find a
work around?
Christian c.graham@bangor.ac.uk
P.S. Does this mailing list still exist - haven't heard anything since
the 7th..... - can someone please email even if they don't have the
solution so that I at least know this is getting through. Thanks a million.
<---- End Included Message ---->
I used to run into this problem also. The best solution is to create
your stair and then use multiple rail extrude (or multiple rail clone) by
creating two or more spline to extrude with. Making good splines for this use
may take you a little longer but the results you get are much more controlled.
I used this method to create the scrollwork on a self-modelled Ancient Greek
Ionic column - it worked quite well. I've also created spiral staircases with
relative ease.
Hope this helps,
Steve Soltz
SSK Creatives
"I'm not nervous. I'm ANIMATED!"
ssoltz@sauron.multiverse.com (ssk.multiverse.com) sent this message.
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